Mills Woodworking’s Environmental Commitment
We share an ongoing commitment in the industry to work towards choosing more environmentally responsible woodworking processes and products. We prove our commitment by choosing environmentally responsible materials whenever possible and by reusing, reducing, and recycling the byproducts of our woodworking processes in a variety of ways.
All scrap cardboard, steel banding, and metal packaging materials are separated, broken down, and recycled.
We use FSC certified lumber for many of our projects. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) of Canada is a forest certification system with established standards to help ensure the sustainability of today’s forests and to ensure wood products are being created using ethical practices. FSC certified lumber can be tracked back to the tree and forest it came from and can guarantee forest sustainability and responsibly produced wood products.
Any unusable wood is reduced to wood chips and wood shavings. The wood shavings are then donated to a local non-profit organization, the Windsor-Essex Therapeutic Riding Association (WETRA), where they are used as bedding for their horses.
We genuinely care about the environment and will remain committed to ensuring its sustainability by striving to minimize the impact our woodworking processes have on the planet.